Friday, July 20, 2012

Lost stories

My family has evaporated into the winds of history - there are no more of my family name left after I'm gone. There are a few who will carry half the genes from their mothers, and no doubt a bastard or two about, but no one who will carve the family name into a rock, or a tree, or even write it in piss in the snow.

This naturally, gives one a bit of freedom to be honest about things. No need to protect honor of ..... no one.  Therefore, here where there is no one to read it, I shall write down things as I know them and see them.  Sort of a secret diary written to amuse myself, knowing that it will gather digital dust...

First, about myself.  Retired last year at 55 because I could.  I have a wife, a lover, two BMW's an Alfa Romeo, and a million dollars in the bank.  I'm six feet tall, 178 pounds and in pretty fair shape. Vain, as men are prone to be, I'll mention that I have hair in a pony tail, and sport a small beard. I walk about 5 miles a day (because I have the time) and I do martial arts 3 days a week (because I can). 

I was shaken recently by being 'discovered' by my first lover of many years ago. She recognized my name on 'Linked In', which is sort of a Facebook for professionals. I had foolishly put a profile and resume there, thinking that I might want to do some consulting after retirement (which I haven't so far) or perhaps even take another position in a company (which I've since decided I will probably never do).  I should have taken down the profile, but I'm sure that you know how it goes. I didn't care enough to take it down, so I didn't bother. Besides it is kind of interesting in a voyeuristic kind of way. The algorithms Linked In uses are apparently quite   good at finding relationships. Somehow, it's figured out my college - and my high school- neither of which I entered into their data base. 

Thus, I've been offered the chance to connect with  many people from my company, a couple of old friends from college, including my old room mate and a couple of girl friends from that era.  None of this bothered me... but the invitation to connect that began with "you're the (Fool by another name) who went to (somewhereville College), Yes?" has left me feeling naked to the world.

I guess that it IS true that you never forget your first love... even if (expecially if?) it ended badly.